

Teaching and Learning

  • New principles on use of AI in education
  • Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
  • AI Pedagogy Project (Harvard’s MetLab)
  • University Policies on Generative AI (Padlet resource collection)
  • AI Act Adopted: What Does This Mean for Education
  • Sovorel - YouTube (Educational channel focusing on AI)
  • Generative AI Primer (Educause)
  • Glossary of Artificial Intelligence Terms for Educators
  • A Generative AI Primer (Brian Basgen, EDUCAUSE Review)
  • A Generative AI Primer (JISC)
  • ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in higher education (UNESCO)
  • Eight Ways to Engage with AI Writers in Higher Education
  • ChatGPT and the rise of AI writers how should higher education respond
  • ChatGPT and students with disabilities
  • Chat GPT Is Here! 5 Alternative Ways To Assess Your Class